SureLC Signature Confirmations - Important Notice

Published: Thu, 08/29/13

Hi ,

Over the past couple of weeks, SuranceBay has received multiple inquiries from both our agency users as well as carrier partners related to the producer confirmation process. Specifically, this relates to those carriers who require the producer to review their contracting paperwork prior to the producer's signature getting affixed to the forms. The complete list of carriers who require this process can be found here:

It's important to understand this process was implemented per the carriers' requirements, it is not something that we decided on our own. Absent this confirmation process, SuranceBay would be required to remove these carriers from the SureLC platform that you all use.

What Happens Once the Producer "Confirms" their paperwork?

Behind the scenes, SureLC captures all of the pertinent details related to who actually "confirmed" the paperwork. This includes everything from the IP address, to the date/time stamp, to the geolocation, etc.

Part of the caveat required by these carriers is that SuranceBay provide to the carriers this pertinent information whenever they ask us to. The carriers want to ensure that its actually the producer who has 'reviewed' the paperwork, and actually 'confirmed' that the paperwork is accurate and that the producer agrees to the terms and conditions of the contract.

During a recent analysis, its come to our attention that many agencies may actually be doing the confirmation on behalf of the producer. We see that MANY agencies have confirmed more than 30 contracts, and several agencies have "confirmed" over 1,000 different contracts for their producers.

SuranceBay simply wants to make all of our users aware that when carriers ask us for the information, we have an obligation to provide it to them - or else we'll have to remove the carrier from SureLC.

The following link shows different options available in order to get the producer's sigantures applied to these forms:

As always - please contact us if you have any questions on this.