SureLC: Thursday's Top Tips AND More Training Opportunities.

Published: Thu, 10/29/15

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Hi ,
This weeks first top tip deals with your producers and how they complete a Review Request in SureLC. When you request an appointment on behalf of the producer, when you get to step 3, or step 5 of the process, you have to send the producer a Review Request so they can log on and review the carrier questions and contracting paperwork. But how do they log on if, for example, we don't allow the producers access to their SureLC profile? When sent a Review Request, producers simply use the last six digits of their SSN and their full DOB. If done correctly, this allows the producer access to the system to complete the review. If you'd like to see a step by step tutorial, including screen shots, of how a Review Request is completed, click HERE. 

Next, we get plenty of questions here at the Support Desk dealing with producers who have multiple profiles in SureLC across multiple agency's. The question at the top of that list deals with producer information and how it is shared between agency's. What information can all agency's see? What information can they not? We've boiled it all down to one handy informational article. Click HERE to take a look. 

Finally, it's time for some more training. We've added a handful of training webinars to our training calendar and would love for you, or anyone else at your agency, to take part. Click THIS LINK to take a look at our schedule, Once there, click on the webinars title to see a description of what will be taught in the class. Click on Register to sign up. 

We invite you to forward this message to any of your team members that should need to know about these training sessions - in case they're not on our email distribution list(s).

Look for more SureLC Top Tips coming to an e-mail inbox near you.

Thank you,

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