Happy New Year!: SureLC Top Tips

Published: Thu, 12/31/15

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Hi ,
Happy New Year! The countdown has begun on 3 new SureLCTM Top Tips. 

3. Videos....and lots of them. We're talking about SureLCTM tutorial videos for agency workers and producers. 
  • Click HERE to go to the SuranceBay You Tube channel. 
    • Hint: There are several "playlists" to choose from. Makes navigating through the videos much easier. 
  • There are 20 tutorial videos alone that deal with just producer training. Feel free to embed any of these tutorial videos on your website as needed.  
  • Keep in Mind: While we provide this information, SuranceBay does not provide direct support to producers. Producers should contact your agency with any questions they have. 
2. Did you know that more than 500 BGA's are using SureLC?TM
  • This translates into over 200,000 insurance producer profiles in the system as well. 
    • Hint: Producers can have several profiles in SureLCTM across several BGA's. 
  • How does SureLCTM handle and support producers working with multiple BGA clients? 
    • Good question and we have the answer HERE. 
    • Another Hint: Producers that do have multiple profiles need to use unique log in credentials for each, meaning that while each profile can use the same e-mail address as the log in username, each profile will use a different password AND be accessed using a unique agency link. 
1. NIPR - The National Insurance Producer Registry. After you add a producer to SureLCTM, (and his/her business entity if needed) SuranceBay pulls in the producer or entity’s PDB Report from NIPR.  The PDB Report includes all state license information as reported to NIPR on the producer or entity by the states.
  • But after initial registration, how often does SureLCTM pull in updated licensing info?
    • Hint: It all depends on when the state DOI reports the information to NIPR. 
  • Read more about SureLC'sTM integration with NIPR as well as some Frequently Asked Questions about the process HERE. 
Once again, Happy New Year, stay safe and we will see you in 2016!

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Thank you,

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